Today we are trick or treating early because my mom and Ruben are spending Halloween in Cabo. Yeah, I feel bad for them too. Maybe one of these days we'll make it back there again.
We spent the morning at Desert Ridge. We went there to meet up with a friend of mine and let the kids play. It was fun.....until Owen discovered the splash pad water fountain and got soaked. He was having the best time laughing and playing all by himself. It was cute, but he was wet.
Sunday was spent at Cody's Birthday Brunch. The first of several parties planned to celebrate the big 3-0. Crystal put on a really great party. It was good food, good people, and overall a lot of fun. Its always nice to meet and hang out with his "other" friends. He doesn't usually bring them around that often, but we will all be together again for his next party on Friday night. We decided to play a mean trick on him and shove his face in the cake. I don't think he thought it was that funny, but the rest of us did. Its nice to make fun of yourself every once in awhile and I think he realized that once he got over the initial shock of the whole thing.
Helen and Hal sent a nice Halloween package to Owen the other day. It included a wonderful police motorcycle that he pushes around the house and it also has a button that when pushed blares a police siren. It also says "Stop! Police!" in German. That has been his number one toy for the past two days and I'm about to hide it. I need a break from the siren. They also sent a quiet toy in the form of a soccer ball and he's been kicking that around the backyard.
Malia will be here this weekend along with her ever expanding baby bump. She found out on Monday she's having a boy and she's excited, although she really thought it was a girl. I think she thought maybe they made a mistake. We're going to get her registered this weekend and I hope she's not too overwhelmed. We'll see.....
Happy Halloween!!